Aurora: GeoDeskLog® gives you detailed profile information for customers who have visited your car dealership. The Aurora: GeoDeskLog® automatically provides addresses of potential customers so you can develop personalized advertising campaigns and win new business!
Traditional geofence marketing is limited in capture time and scope. Buyers ultimately ignore the barrage of advertisements randomly showing up on their computer. Instead, the Aurora: GeoDeskLog® discretely collects geolocation metadata for precision advertising opportunities.
Walk-By Traffic
Is there a way to track the volume of potential clients that walk around your dealership? The Aurora: GeoDeskLog® is able to observes footfall traffic for all of your lots and daily calculate new and returning customers automatically.
Competition Activity
What about your competitors? The Aurora: GeoDeskLog® also enables you to learn more about other dealerships. Are potential clients visiting other lots before or after yours?
AI Driven Technology
Using groundbreaking geolocation technology, the Aurora: GeoDeskLog® is a fully automated Desk Log engineered to deliver precision-leads for your entire dealership, anywhere in the world. It’s market intelligence reimagined.
Custom Analytics
Contact us to learn more about how we can
customize our analytics to meet your bespoke use case.